The Relationship of Family History, Usage of Wasted Cooking Oil, Alcohol Consumption, Smoking Habit the Incidence of Essential Hypertension at Two Areas of Health Center of North Buton Regency, Province of South East Sulawesi


  • Masriadi Masriadi
  • Mega Ermasari


hypertension, family history, cooking oil, alcohol consumption and smoking habits.


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a condition which is characterized by the raise of blood pressure against artery. A normal blood pressure can be measured in condition 120/80 mmHg. The aim of this study was to identify relationship family history, use cooking oil, consumption of alcohol and smoking habits with the incidence of hypertension essential in two work area health district Buton North South East Sulawesi. Research method used observational, by using cross-sectional approach. Technique of sampling was proportional random sampling, took 170 samples. The study result pointed that smoking habits has history family with value (p=0,000) and smoking habits with value (p=0,000) associated with the incidence of hypertension essential. Based on the result of study, it is suggested for people to prevent whole risk factors of hypertension essential in order to avoid the hypertension incidents.


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How to Cite

Masriadi, M., & Ermasari, M. (2015). The Relationship of Family History, Usage of Wasted Cooking Oil, Alcohol Consumption, Smoking Habit the Incidence of Essential Hypertension at Two Areas of Health Center of North Buton Regency, Province of South East Sulawesi. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 24(1), 146–155. Retrieved from


