Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) Assessment towards Sustainable Development of East Kalimantan Province


  • Yusniar Juliana Nababan Bogor Agricultural University Post Graduate School Rural and Regional Development Planning
  • Yusman Syaukat Bogor Agricultural University
  • Bambang Juanda Bogor Agricultural University
  • Slamet Sutomo Institute of Statistics


inclusive green economy, sustainable development, DEA model, Integrated Sustainability Index.


East Kalimantan economy is heavily relied on natural resource-based sectors. Thus, East Kalimantan experiences a substantial growth and becomes one of the significant contributors to the national economy. On the other hand there are some externalities ensuing the East Kalimantan economic development that possibly will hamper an Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) to be achieved. This study aims to assess the IGE of East Kalimantan during 2000-2012. There are three aspects of IGE will be assess: (1) economic inclusiveness, (2) greenness of the economy, and (3) green economy as driver of growth and development. Some indicators employed are adopted from sustainable development initiatives that share the same idea with IGE and have been proposed by various international organizations. Moreover, DEA Model is applied in examining East Kalimantan efficiency in utilizing its natural resources and environment. Furthermore, Integrated Sustainability Index is employed to monitor IGE comprehensively.


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How to Cite

Nababan, Y. J., Syaukat, Y., Juanda, B., & Sutomo, S. (2015). Inclusive Green Economy (IGE) Assessment towards Sustainable Development of East Kalimantan Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 23(2), 335–353. Retrieved from


