Local Wisdom at Systems of Ownership, Utilization, Conflict Resolution Customary Land in Papua, Indonesia


  • Enos Henok Rumansra


Local wisdom, ownership, utilization and customary land conflict.


The article about local wisdom in ownership, use and conflict resolution of Papuan customary land was taken from ethnographic research conducted by the author in Papua. In Papuan culture which consist of 254 tribes, local wisdom (norm, rules and custom) are very strong in regulating human relationship with The Creator, human relations with human being and human relations with the natural environment including managing human relationship with the land, especially value land, ownership and utilization for surviving. Ownership of Papuan customary land was communal tribal, communal clan and family ownership/core or individual. The findings of the author, there are 8 basic customary land ownership in Papua culture recognized by every tribes in Papua. The local wisdom (norm and custom rules) is against to foreign culture, but currently it`s still valid as local communities final power for organizing ownership, utilization customary land, conflict resolution and protecting customary land from those who need of land (public or private) for development and business in Papua, Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Rumansra, E. H. (2015). Local Wisdom at Systems of Ownership, Utilization, Conflict Resolution Customary Land in Papua, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 23(2), 19–31. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/4272


