Potency and Development Strategies of Swamp Buffaloes at Different Topography in Cianjur District West Java Indonesia


  • Komariah .
  • Cece Sumantri
  • Henny Nuraini
  • Sri Nurdiati
  • Sri Mulatsih


potential and development strategy, swamp buffalo, topography


Research on the potential and development strategies of swamp bullaloes were done in Cianjur District at Januari-Maret 2014. The method done of direct observation surveys and interviews with 63 farmers buffalo and using secondary data. Location determination using purposive sampling method which represents the differences topography and Location Quotient (LQ) above one (buffalo basis).


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How to Cite

., K., Sumantri, C., Nuraini, H., Nurdiati, S., & Mulatsih, S. (2015). Potency and Development Strategies of Swamp Buffaloes at Different Topography in Cianjur District West Java Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 23(2), 260–270. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/4264


