Peaceful Co-Existence between Muslims and Non-Muslims: An Analysis of Pakistani Society in the light of Seerah Muhammad (pbuh)


  • Naseem Razi


peaceful co-existence, Muslims and non-Muslims in Pakistan, Analysis in the light of Seerah Muhammad (pbuh).


At time it is renewed focus paid by UNO on creating dialogue culture and peaceful co-existence among different religions and cultures particularly, between Muslims and non-Muslims in political, social and academic circles and at the regional and sub-regional levels.


The Qur

The Qur

The Qur

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The Qur

The Qur

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Vladimir Lenin was the first leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. A prominent Marxist, Lenin was born in 1870 in Russia. As communist radical of Russia, Lenin expropriated and redistributed land and nationalized banks and industry. In 1921, he fought for his New Economic Policy, which combined elements of capitalism with socialism, in an attempt to revive the struggling Russian economy. Lenin died in 1924, See,, Last visited on 13-5-15

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Muhsin khan & Taqi ud-Din al-Hilali. Interpretation of the Meaning of the Noble Qur

Ibin Hashsham. Al-Seerah al-Nabawiyyah.Vol.1p.552; Safi al-Rehman Mubarakpuri. Al-Raheeq Al-Makhtoom.p.248.

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The Qur

The Qur

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A. B. Fetherston. Towards a Theory of United Nations Peace Keeping. USA, M. St. Martin




How to Cite

Razi, N. (2015). Peaceful Co-Existence between Muslims and Non-Muslims: An Analysis of Pakistani Society in the light of Seerah Muhammad (pbuh). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 23(1), 318–336. Retrieved from


