Association Between the Antenatal Health Services and the Nutrient Status of Pregnant Dayak Kenyah Women in Tabang District, Kutai Kertanagera Regency, East Borneo 2014


  • Aminah Toaha
  • Suryani As
  • Veny Hadju
  • Burhanudin Bahar


pregnant women, antenatal care, dayak kenyah tribe, nutrient status.


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How to Cite

Toaha, A., As, S., Hadju, V., & Bahar, B. (2015). Association Between the Antenatal Health Services and the Nutrient Status of Pregnant Dayak Kenyah Women in Tabang District, Kutai Kertanagera Regency, East Borneo 2014. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 22(1), 446–454. Retrieved from


