Effective Methods of Brushing Teeth on Reducing Plaque Score at the Fifth Class of Semen Padang Elementary Schooling Indarung Village Lubuk Kilangan Sub district, Indonesia


  • Leny Sang Surya
  • Dewi Elianora
  • Aida Fitriana


plaque scores, brushing teeth, Bass method, Charter method.


Dental health problems in Indonesia are still attractive, because many of the Indonesian people who still poor in dental hygiene and mouth. Dental health efforts need to be reviewed from the aspects of the environment, education, public awareness, and handling of dental health including the prevention and treatment. Dental health education that has been recognized with DHE (Dental Health Education) is the primary level of prevention needs to be done in school. Tooth brushing methods plays an important role in maintaining the cleanliness and health of teeth and mouth. The aim of this study was to discover methods of brushing teeth is effective in lowering plaque scores to student in the fifth class of Semen Padang elementary school in Indarung Village Lubuk Kilangan Sub-district. This study is observational analytic with the cross sectional design. Subject of the research consisted of 24 students who selected the non-probability sampling divided into 2 groups of 12 students who perform Bass method of brushing teeth, while the remaining 12 people to do the brushing Charter method. Data be obtained using the t-test analysis program SPSS.

The results indicate a score Bass method73.3992%, while the method Charter 66.7308%. The conclusion; the Bass method was more effective in reducing plaque score compareto Charter method.


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How to Cite

Surya, L. S., Elianora, D., & Fitriana, A. (2015). Effective Methods of Brushing Teeth on Reducing Plaque Score at the Fifth Class of Semen Padang Elementary Schooling Indarung Village Lubuk Kilangan Sub district, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 22(1), 281–286. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/3930


