The Relations of Climate and Land Use with the Incident of Filariasis in Pasaman Barat 2007-2013


  • Masrizal Dt Mangguang
  • Hari Kusnanto
  • Luthan Lazuardi


Filariasis, Ecology, Climate, Land Using.


The objective of this study was to determine the relationship of climate and land use with the incidence of filariasis in Pasaman Barat in 2007-2013. This research uses with ecological design. The population in this study is all positive and filariasis disease incidence was recorded in the register of filariasisin Pasaman Barat District Health Office. Source of data using secondary data filariasis cases, climate data, and the data of land use. Processing data using univariate analysis, spatial, and the bivariate correlation test. Based on the results of statistical tests there is a relationship between rainfall (p = 0.001; r = 0.449), number of days the average monthly rainfall (p = 0.011, r = 0.275) with the incidence of filariasis, and there was no correlation between air temperature (p = 0.327 ; r = -0.108)), humidity (p = 0.683; r = -0.045) and wind speed (p = 0.751; r = 0.035) with the incidence of filariasis. The relationship of land use by plantations with filariasis events have a strong relationship (r = 0.565). Known spatial distribution of filariasis patients are most at Sungai Aur. In conclusion, by the spatial distribution of the incidence of filariasis is in the plantation area.

Variables that serve as risk factors of filariasisis rainfall. Therefore, it is suggested to the community to care for and maintain the health of the environment, as well as the need to be implemented and the extension of filariasis vector control and an integrated environment.


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How to Cite

Dt Mangguang, M., Kusnanto, H., & Lazuardi, L. (2015). The Relations of Climate and Land Use with the Incident of Filariasis in Pasaman Barat 2007-2013. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 22(1), 241–256. Retrieved from


