Epidemiological Determinant of Malaria Incidents in Closed Community in Sub Distrik Namrole South Buru Regency Maluku Province


  • Sahrir Sillehu
  • Ridwan Amiruddin
  • Damayanty S. Sohilauw


Epidemiological Determinant, Malaria Incidents.


Malaria is a main health problem in islands, under-developed, and remote areas. Nationwide, Maluku in 2013 is listed as having 30.4% of Annual Malaria Incident (AMI) and 9.19% of Annual Parasite Incident. Meanwhile, South Buru Regency has Annual Malaria Incident of 14.49% and Annual Parasite Incident of 6.94%. The objective of this research is to understand the epidemiological determinant of malaria incidents in Kecamatan Namrole, South Buru Regency, Maluku Province. It's an observational research with a sample of 64 respondents for symptomatic and asymptomatic malaria. The employed instruments are Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) and microscopic gold standard. Examining malaria with RDT, three types of parasites are found i.e.: P. falciparum, P. vivax, and a mix between P. falciparum and P. vivax. Most parasitic species found is P. falciparum, 56.3%. RDT examination accuracy is proven with microscopic observation. It is suggested that RDT sensitivity value is 100% with 63.3% of specificity. Positive predictive value is 92.9% and the negative predictive value is 100% for positive likelihood ratio of 2.75% and negative likelihood ratio 0%. The degree of conformity (Kappa) between RDT and microscopic is 0. The advantage of RDT is that it can be used for fast diagnose of malaria. The advantage of Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) is that it can be used even in remote and isolated areas for early detection of malaria for the diagnostic purpose. RDT is very effective and efficient.


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How to Cite

Sillehu, S., Amiruddin, R., & Sohilauw, D. S. (2015). Epidemiological Determinant of Malaria Incidents in Closed Community in Sub Distrik Namrole South Buru Regency Maluku Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 22(1), 172–177. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/3849


