Analyze Content Residue of Chlorpyrifos Pesticide in


  • . Jamaluddin
  • Kunnisa Ariefa
  • Nurlina Ibrahim
  • Yonelian Yuyun


Pesticides, Chlorpyrifos, Onion Palu, Gas Chromatography.


This research aims to determine the presence of residue content of chlorpyrifos pesticide and to know the number of content of its in Onion Palu. Sampling technique was done by purposive sampling, each taken from three different locations. Determination levels performed by gas chromatography by using capillary column and nitrogen carrier gas. The results showed that the Onion Palu containing chlorpyrifos pesticide residue levels of 0,229 mg/kg to Onion Palu from the Guntarano village District of Tanantovea; 0,008 mg/kg for the Onion Palu from the Sidera village District of Biromaru; and 0,008 mg/kg for Onions from the Maku village District of Dolo. The content of chlorpyrifos residue obtained from the two sampling sites still below the MRL (Maximum Residue Limits), while one sample is above the MRL where chlorpyrifos maximum residue limits for Onion in ISO 7313: 2008 amount is 0.2 mg / kg.


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How to Cite

Jamaluddin, ., Ariefa, K., Ibrahim, N., & Yuyun, Y. (2015). Analyze Content Residue of Chlorpyrifos Pesticide in . International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 21(2), 422–427. Retrieved from


