Determination of Levels of As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb in Soils and Some Vegetables Taken from River Mojo Water Irrigated Farmland at Koka Village, Oromia State, East Ethiopia


  • Tamene Fite Duressa
  • Seyoum Leta


Bioavailability, Biomagnifications, Transfer Factor, Concentration, Correlation, Contaminants, Pollution.



This study was aimed to determine the concentrations of As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb in soils and garlic, kale, onion, pepper and potato samples from farmlands irrigated with River Mojo water, at Koka village, Oromia state, east Ethiopia. Flame and Hydride Generation Atomic absorption Spectrometry methods were employed. The test results showed that in all soil samples, all the five trace heavy metals exist. The order of the metals mean concentrations (mg/kg) in soil is: As (32.72


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How to Cite

Duressa, T. F., & Leta, S. (2015). Determination of Levels of As, Cd, Cr, Hg and Pb in Soils and Some Vegetables Taken from River Mojo Water Irrigated Farmland at Koka Village, Oromia State, East Ethiopia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 21(2), 352–372. Retrieved from


