A Multidisciplinary Framework for Measuring and Improving Wellbeing


  • Emily Dawn Wassell Grey Ocean Analytics
  • Rachel Dodge


wellbeing, multidisciplinary, fit, appreciative, co-responsibility, environment.


Wellbeing is a critical multidisciplinary concept for a better future. In defining wellbeing as a balance point between resources and challenges, autonomy and intensity, as well as support and demand, we can see the dynamic nature of wellbeing. It is critical to understand the relevant realms of wellbeing for different individuals and systems. To achieve wellbeing it is important to understand all the players involved in creating and sustaining wellbeing. Incorporating theory and current research it is clear that any system to measure, understand, or increase wellbeing must contain multidisciplinary theories and findings, incorporate co-responsibility and appreciative inquiry, and include feedback loops that allow for accurate daily measurement of the challenges and resources available on any given day. The purpose of this paper is to integrate a new definition of wellbeing with theory and research from multiple disciplines to create a framework for the real world practice of measuring wellbeing.

Author Biography

Emily Dawn Wassell, Grey Ocean Analytics

emily Team


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How to Cite

Wassell, E. D., & Dodge, R. (2015). A Multidisciplinary Framework for Measuring and Improving Wellbeing. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 21(2), 97–107. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/3760


