Relationship between House Condition and Tuberculosis Incidence in Timor Tengah Utara District


  • . Wanti
  • Qomariyatus Solihah
  • Martha Djapawiwi


floor, ventilation, lighting, temperature, humidity, density, Tuberculosis.


Tuberculosis (TB) disease is still a major public health problem in NTT Province. PHC Sasi has a fairly high TB ??cases in the past three years. The increasing incidence of TB can be caused by several factors such as population and housing conditions. This study aimed to determine the relationship of housing conditions with TB disease incidence in PHC Sasi Timor Tengah Utara District. This observational analytic research using case-control study. All patients with tuberculosis smear (+) in January-December 2013 and January-February 2014 as many as 35 people were sampled cases. Control sample is a neighbor group who had never suffered from a case of TB as many as 70 people. The collection of data by direct observation and the data processed by the Chi-square test (? 0.05). This research found significant association between the floor of the house (X


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How to Cite

Wanti, ., Solihah, Q., & Djapawiwi, M. (2015). Relationship between House Condition and Tuberculosis Incidence in Timor Tengah Utara District. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 21(1), 344–349. Retrieved from


