Endoparasites of Bucks Raised under Intensive and Semi-Intensive System


  • G. D. Eyo
  • E. E. A. Offiong
  • O. E. Obioku
  • E. A. Akpan
  • N. N. Etim
  • C. A. Essien
  • U. Akpabio
  • J. S. Ekpo


endoparasites, goats, floatation, deworming.


An investigation was carried out on bucks in intensive and semi-intensive systems of management. A total of sixteen (16) bucks (male goats) were randomly purchased for the study. The animals were divided into four groups of four animals per treatment and fed Panicum maximum, Gliricidia sepium for Treatment 1 while Treatment 2 were fed Panicum maximum, Gliricidia sepium plus concentrates. Those in T3 were fed concentrate and allowed to graze and T4 were fed Panicum maximum and were also allowed to forage. The result showed significant difference (P<0.05) in infestations of strongyles amongst the treatments.


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How to Cite

Eyo, G. D., Offiong, E. E. A., Obioku, O. E., Akpan, E. A., Etim, N. N., Essien, C. A., Akpabio, U., & Ekpo, J. S. (2015). Endoparasites of Bucks Raised under Intensive and Semi-Intensive System. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 21(2), 57–65. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/3584


