Current Scenario of Molecular Diagnostics in Indian Healthcare Sector


  • Ishita Tandon
  • Shambhavi Sharma
  • Tej Nakashe
  • Arpita Nandy
  • Jyoti Chakradhari
  • . Lokinder
  • Henna Malik
  • Payal Ganguly
  • Sainagh MVU
  • Ved Kumar Mishra
  • Fariya khan
  • Ruchi Narula
  • Satyam Khanna


Indian Healthcare Sector, Molecular Diagnostic, scope and limitations.


After successfully accomplishing the Human genome project and opening new avenues for genome based diagnostics and therapy in healthcare sector, development of personalized medicine and advancing molecular diagnostics has been the prime agenda of scientists all-round the globe. Molecular diagnostics has made possible the diagnosis of the previously undetected viral nucleic acids, early access of data to doctors, a deeper understanding of the disease cause, treatment dose and success of the treatment depending upon the case. It has provided an immense scope of novel and more sophisticated biotechnology and biomedical tools to be employed in the sector procreating a new interdisciplinary field. The gene based testing in all fields has flourished in leaps and bounds after the prediction of >5% in 2005. Here we discuss the current scenario, scope and limitations of the Molecular diagnostics in terms of its significance in public health care.


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How to Cite

Tandon, I., Sharma, S., Nakashe, T., Nandy, A., Chakradhari, J., Lokinder, ., Malik, H., Ganguly, P., MVU, S., Mishra, V. K., khan, F., Narula, R., & Khanna, S. (2015). Current Scenario of Molecular Diagnostics in Indian Healthcare Sector. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 21(1), 110–116. Retrieved from


