Relationship of Catching and Oceanographic Parameters of Boat Lift Net (Bagan pete-pete) using Mercury Lamp and Led Lamp


  • Muhammad Sulaiman Pangkep State of Polytechnic Agriculture
  • Mulyono Sumitro Baskoro Bogor Agricultural University
  • Am Azbas Taurusman Bogor Agricultural University
  • Sugeng Hari Wisudo Bogor Agricultural University
  • Roza Yusfiandayani Bogor Agricultural University


boat left net, catch, LED lamp, mercury lamp, oceanographic parameters


Fishing areas can be predicted from oceanographic parameters such as temperature, salinity, turbidity, and current. Nowadays, research on the influence of oceanographic parameters to the catch of fishing gear bagan pete-pete (boat lift net) using LED lamps especially in multi-species tropical waters is limited. This study was aimed at analyzing the relationship of catching and oceanographic parameters of bagan pete-pete which using both mercury lamps and LED lamps. It was conducted in waters of Barru District of Makassar Strait, South Sulawesi.

Field observations were conducted from October to November 2012 and April to May 2013 (50 trips). The total weight of catching by using LED lamps was 33.412.00 kg with value of 131.114.500.00 IDR, whereas by using mercury lamp was 54.524.00 kg with value of IDR. The catch of bagan pete-pete with mercury lamps was influenced by temperature in a depth 5 meters and turbidity while the catch of bagan pete-pete with LED lamps was influenced by the temperature in a depth 5 meters and current in a depth 1 meter. The catch of bagan pete-pete by using both mercury lamp and LED lamp is linear to the temperature, means that catching increases when the temperature increases. Mercury lamp is also influenced by turbidity because it has a very limited ability to penetrate into the waters, unlike LED.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Sulaiman, Pangkep State of Polytechnic Agriculture


Mulyono Sumitro Baskoro, Bogor Agricultural University


Am Azbas Taurusman, Bogor Agricultural University


Sugeng Hari Wisudo, Bogor Agricultural University



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How to Cite

Sulaiman, M., Baskoro, M. S., Taurusman, A. A., Wisudo, S. H., & Yusfiandayani, R. (2015). Relationship of Catching and Oceanographic Parameters of Boat Lift Net (Bagan pete-pete) using Mercury Lamp and Led Lamp. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 20(1), 228–239. Retrieved from


