Do Organizational Structure and Organizational Culture Affect Teachers


  • Wesly Hutabarat state university of medan


organizational culture, organizational structure, teacher’s work motivation


The study was designed to find out the effect of organizational culture, and organizational structure, on teacher

Author Biography

Wesly Hutabarat, state university of medan

chemistry education and educational management


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Wesly Hutabarat, Manihar Situmorang, and Parlin Pangaribuan. Effect of Organizational Culture, Organizational Structure, and Work Motivation on Job Satisfaction of Senior High School Teachers in Medan, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research. 16(1), Pp. 261-275. 2014




How to Cite

Hutabarat, W. (2015). Do Organizational Structure and Organizational Culture Affect Teachers. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 20(2), 350–362. Retrieved from


