Reflections of Gender Mainstreaming Policies on Sectoral Development in Kenya: A Retrospection Review Since 2010.


  • Callen B.Nyamwange Kisii University
  • Maurice N. Amutabi Kisii University


gender, mainstreaming, equality, feminism, constitution.



Efforts to mainstream a gender perspective in global public policy have been prompted by the proliferation of transnational networking among women's movements. The government of Kenya on her part has expressed her intention to attain gender equality through gender mainstreaming policies as enshrined in the 2010 Constitution. The aim of this paper is to examine how gender policies have worked since 2010 in both government and non-government sectors in light of devolution. The study objectives include: (i) explore how gender policies are working in both government and non government sectors, (ii) establish how gender policies have achieved equity and egalitarianism, and, (iii) examine how the three arms of government have allowed gender policies to flourish. The paper will use both primary and secondary data sources to investigate the operations of gender equity policies. Respondents will be selected using both random and purposive sampling techniques; particularly those in policy positions. In analyzing data, descriptive and inferential statistics will be employed and the results obtained will inform policy makers. The study will use gender and feminist theories to examine the tensions in government in the process of empowering women and vulnerable groups. The research results will indicate if gender mainstreaming is a theoretical issue or it is an inclusive reality from a cross-cultural and national perspective. The paper will create opportunities for the way forward


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How to Cite

B.Nyamwange, C., & N. Amutabi, M. (2016). Reflections of Gender Mainstreaming Policies on Sectoral Development in Kenya: A Retrospection Review Since 2010. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 25(1), 200–215. Retrieved from


