Nutritional Status and Work Fatigue (Study at Night Bus Drivers in South and West Sulawesi)


  • Syamsiar S. Russeng


Nutrition status, working fatigue, reaction time, drowsiness, night-shifted bus drivers


This research aimed to evaluate the risk of traffic accidents factors related to the working fatigue of the night-shifted bus drivers. The Type of the research was analytic observation and exploration events during the drivers working with "hybrid design study" that is the combination between the research cohort cross-sectional elements and elements in which the cross-sectional elements were clustered to a cohort of research that output was unknown. The samples were 46 drivers who were selected in the inclusive criteria. Respondents were examined on their health condition (blood pressure, pulses, reaction hemoglobin, hematocrit, ferritin, BMI, blood sugar in time, lungs car and they were monitored along the ways to Reviews their destinations, and results were recorded in a log book. Data is used univariate analysis technique by describing; characteristics of the respondents, the bivariate technique by using cross tabulation and multivariate technique by using logistic regression. The result shows that the hemoglobin, hematocrit, serum ferritin contents, BMI (Body Mass Index) nutrition intake, and lungs capacity do not have significant relationships with reaction time. Hemoglobin, hematocrit content, BMI and nutrition intakes do have significant relationships with the symptoms of drossiness. Together with hematocrit, hemoglobin, BMI and nutrition intakes give a significant contribution to the occurrence of drowsiness on the night-shifted bus drivers. The drivers are suggested to have regular eating patterns, sleeping patterns and fulfill necessities to maintain sufficient liquid Reviews their stamina during driving.


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How to Cite

Russeng, S. S. (2015). Nutritional Status and Work Fatigue (Study at Night Bus Drivers in South and West Sulawesi). International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 20(1), 90–101. Retrieved from


