The Importance of Diagenetic Processes in Sandstones Facies of the Hamakoussou Sedimentary Basin in North Cameroon: Influence on Reservoir Quality.


  • Ntsama Atangana Jacqueline
  • BESSONG MOISE Institute for Geological and Mining Research
  • Joseph Victor Hell
  • Mbesse Cecile Olive
  • Nolla Junior Desir
  • Dissombo Edimo Andr
  • John Takem Eyong
  • Mbassa Beno Joseph
  • Mouloud Bennami
  • Patrick Vignaud
  • Mfoumbeng Marie Paule


Diagenesis, Porosity, Reservoir, Cementation, Dissolution/Precipitation, Hamakoussou Sandstone.


Published studies in the Hamakoussou reservoir sandstones are very few and the characterization of the reservoir quality including diagenesis is unknown. In this paper, after lithological reports, classical petrographic techniques have been used to study the diagenesis and reservoir quality of the Hamakoussou sandstones: Diagenetic processes within and around detrital grains show that early cementation by calcite come from volcanic veins and late cementation originating from silicification. Diagenetic phenomena (early cementation, compaction, fracturation and late cementation) show that these sandstones have a low porosity due to the blockage of intergranular pore spaces by cement. Intense volcanic activity associated with the circulation of fluids (silica and calcite) as well as the dissolution along the contacts of quartz grains are the principal sources of early and late cements which are responsible for the decrease in porosity observed in these sandstones. The immediate consequence is the sudden drying up of boreholes drilled for water supply.


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How to Cite

Jacqueline, N. A., MOISE, B., Hell, J. V., Olive, M. C., Desir, N. J., Andr, D. E., Eyong, J. T., Joseph, M. B., Bennami, M., Vignaud, P., & Paule, M. M. (2014). The Importance of Diagenetic Processes in Sandstones Facies of the Hamakoussou Sedimentary Basin in North Cameroon: Influence on Reservoir Quality. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(2), 220–230. Retrieved from


