Beauty Clinic Services and Using of Cosmetic for Beauty Clinic Attendees at Jakarta, Indonesia


  • raharni budiarto National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia


Beauty clinic, services, using of cosmetic


Cosmetic is one of pharmaceuticals preparation, with the vigorous cosmetic advertising in print media, electronic media or internet, communities are faced with cosmetics advertising, in which mostly are offering for skin care, especially women to get the skin whiter and brighter. Cosmetic advertising based on Ministry of Health regulation no. 386/Menkes/SK/1994. The objective of this study was to know the beauty clinic services and using of cosmetic for beauty clinic attendees and affecting factors. The assesment was based on qualitative methode at beauty clinic at Jakarta, Indonesia. The data collected was by indepth interview to the beauty clinic attendees, clinical officers and medical doctor as information resourses, and observation of beauty clinic services. Data analysis was done by triangulation. The results shown that characteristics of beauty clinic attendees were

Author Biography

raharni budiarto, National Institute of Health Research and Development, Ministry of Health, Republic Indonesia

Good job


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How to Cite

budiarto, raharni. (2014). Beauty Clinic Services and Using of Cosmetic for Beauty Clinic Attendees at Jakarta, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(2), 77–87. Retrieved from


