Market Structure, Technological Spillover and Productivity in Ghana.


  • Deborah Adu-Twumwaah University of Professional studies, Accra


Market Structure, Technological Spillover, Productivity


This paper examines market structure and technological spillover effect on the productivity of local manufacturing firms in Ghana. By using a firm level panel data of eight subsectors in the Ghanaian manufacturing industry, the paper examines labour productivity of local firms by following the methodology of Kohpaiboon (2005) which begins with the Cobb Douglas production function. An appropriate diagnostics are carried out for the adoption of the empirical model to be estimated. The regression result reveals that the monopolistically competitive nature of the Ghanaian manufacturing industry and technological spillover affect local manufacturing firms

Author Biography

Deborah Adu-Twumwaah, University of Professional studies, Accra

Banking and Finance, Lecturer


Aghion, P., C. Harrison, and J. Vickers.

Boreszstein, E., De Gregorio, J., Lee, J.W.,

De Mello,

Kohpaiboon, A.,

Waldkirch, Andreas and Ofosu,

Teal, F.,

Cheung Y.-W., and G. Pascaul,

Grossman, G. M and E. Helpman.

Rivera-Batiz, L. and P. Romer.

Barro R.J. and Sala-i-Martin.

Griliches, Z.

Medda, G., and Piga, C.

Romer, P. M.,

Chuang and Hsu,

Domowitz, I., R. G. Hubbard, and B.C. Peterson.

Campa, J. M. and L.S. Goldberg.

Cheung, Y.- W., M. Chinn, and E. Fujii.

Teal, F.,

Teal, F.,

Aitken, B.J., Harrison, A.E.,




How to Cite

Adu-Twumwaah, D. (2014). Market Structure, Technological Spillover and Productivity in Ghana. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(2), 172–182. Retrieved from


