Integration of Marine Resources Management Based Customary into Modern Conservation Management in Raja Ampat, Indonesia.


  • Paulus Boli The State University of Papua
  • Fredinan Yulianda Bogor Agriculutral University
  • Dedi Soedharma Bogor Agriculutral University
  • Ario Damar Bogor Agriculutral University
  • Rilus Kinseng Bogor Agriculutral University


Conservation, customary, integration, Raja Ampat


Integration of indigenous-based management of marine resources with modern conservation in Raja Ampat isone model of MPA approach to achieve the objectives of management. This research aims to describe the adaptations that occur in conservation management aspects, namely: zoning, institutional forms, and surveillance. The different types of conservation management in Raja Ampat are: 1) marine nature reserves; 2) traditional conservation management (SASI); 3) marine conservation areas (regional MPA). The types of zones that are established in the Regional MPA consists of six types namely: 1) core zone, 2) food safety and marine tourism zone, 3) sustainable fishing and aquaculture zone, 4) ship cruise lines zone, 5) the use of traditional and sasi

Author Biographies

Paulus Boli, The State University of Papua

Departement of Fishery

Fredinan Yulianda, Bogor Agriculutral University

department of aquatic resources management

Dedi Soedharma, Bogor Agriculutral University

Department of marine science

Ario Damar, Bogor Agriculutral University

department of aquatic resources management

Rilus Kinseng, Bogor Agriculutral University

department of communication science and community development


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How to Cite

Boli, P., Yulianda, F., Soedharma, D., Damar, A., & Kinseng, R. (2014). Integration of Marine Resources Management Based Customary into Modern Conservation Management in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(2), 280–291. Retrieved from


