Land Use Optimization in Asahan Watershed with Linear Programming and SWAT Model


  • ahmad dany sunandar Forestry Research Institute of Aek Nauli, Ministry of Forestry
  • Endang Suhendang
  • Hendrayanto .
  • I Nengah Surati Jaya
  • Marimin .


Erosion, Asahan Watershed, Land use optimization, SWAT model, linear programming.


Erosion occurring within a watershed can threaten land use sustainability through land quality degradation. To minimize erosion in Asahan Watershed, this study employs land use optimization technique through linear program and spatial optimization. Optimization wasapplied to minimize erosion with a number of constraints and taking the land

Author Biography

ahmad dany sunandar, Forestry Research Institute of Aek Nauli, Ministry of Forestry

Silviculture department


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How to Cite

sunandar, ahmad dany, Suhendang, E., ., H., Jaya, I. N. S., & ., M. (2014). Land Use Optimization in Asahan Watershed with Linear Programming and SWAT Model. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 18(1), 63–78. Retrieved from


