Iranian Language Teachers


  • Mehdi Azadsarv Imam Khomeini University of Naval Forces, Nowshahr, Iran
  • Mohammad Taghvaee Imam Khomeini University of Naval Forces, Nowshahr, Iran
  • Ali Zangoei University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran
  • Emad Kishani Farahani Imam Khomeini University of Naval Forces, Nowshahr, Iran


coursebook, checklist, evaluation, English Result.


As the means of transferring knowledge between teachers and students, coursebooks play a significant role in educational practices all over the world. Evaluation of coursebooks is also of great significance as it manages to a better understanding of the nature of a specific teaching/learning situation. The present study is an attempt to evaluate English Result coursebook from both Iranian EFL learners


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How to Cite

Azadsarv, M., Taghvaee, M., Zangoei, A., & Kishani Farahani, E. (2014). Iranian Language Teachers. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 14(2), 251–285. Retrieved from


