Determinant Factors of Organizational Commitment of Elementary School Teachers in North Sumatra Indonesia


  • Paningkat Siburian


knowledge, interpersonal communication, job satisfaction, organizational commitment.


The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the knowledge of teacher professional development policy, interpersonal communication, and job satisfaction on organizational commitment of elementary school teachers in North Sumatera. This research method is a survey method exploratory nature of the number of respondents were 116 people who were taken by stratified random sampling. The results showed that the knowledge of teacher professional policy development, and interpersonal communication have a positive directly and indirectly effect on organizational commitment, while job satisfaction only giving a direct effect on organizational commitment of elementary school teachers.

Based on the results of the research has found a fixed model or theoretical model that describes the structure of a causal relationship between the variables of the knowledge of teacher professional development policy, interpersonal communication, job satisfaction and organizational commitment of elementary school teachers in North Sumatera.


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How to Cite

Siburian, P. (2014). Determinant Factors of Organizational Commitment of Elementary School Teachers in North Sumatra Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 18(1), 208–220. Retrieved from


