Examining the Relationship Between Performance Measures and Share Price: An Empirical Study on Mobile Telecommunications Companies Listed on Bursa Malaysia


  • Gilbert O'Neil Mushure University of Zimbabwe


Quarterly Data, Financial Performance Measures, Non-Financial Performance Measures, Future Share Price Performance, Mobile Telecommunications Companies, Bursa Malaysia.


This paper is in Market Based Accounting Research (MBAR) which is a sub-discipline of Accounting & Finance under the broad field of Business Management. This research paper is a quantitative study of the relationship between financial and non-financial performance measures, and future share price performance of mobile telecommunications companies listed on Malaysia

Author Biography

Gilbert O'Neil Mushure, University of Zimbabwe

Lecturer, Department of Accountancy, University of Zimbabwe



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How to Cite

Mushure, G. O. (2014). Examining the Relationship Between Performance Measures and Share Price: An Empirical Study on Mobile Telecommunications Companies Listed on Bursa Malaysia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(2), 158–171. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/2523


