Impacts of Climate Change on Maize and Beans Production and Compatibility of Adaptation Strategies in Pangani River Basin, Tanzania


  • gody Jonathan Sanga Sokoine University of Agriculture
  • J. P Hella
  • N Mzirai
  • H Senga


Climate change, impacts, adaptation, compatibility, irrigation.


Climate change present new development challenges particularly in Sub-Saharan countries where the majority of the population depend on climate-sensitive activities such as rain-fed agriculture. This necessitates for a need to focus on impacts of climate change and compatibility of adaptation as a way of providing sustainable solutions to reduce the vulnerability of the majority of poor Sub-Saharan communities. This study employed Ricardian approach to assess the impacts of temperature and rainfall variability on the net revenue from two main food crops (maize and beans) from Pangani River Basin produced primarily under rain fed agriculture. The study also employed the gross margin to assess the compatibility of irrigation adaptation strategy. The results indicate that increase in temperature and decrease in rainfall has decreased the net revenue from maize and beans production and raised rent for irrigated farms particularly in the middle and low altitudes of the basin. Increase in temperature has increased the net revenue from maize and beans production in the upper altitudes of basin.

The results clearly demonstrate that climate change have affected the livelihood of the majority of the poor small scale farmers found in the middle and lower altitudes and improved that of farmers living in the upper. They also demonstrate that irrigation is a significant technique for adaptation to climate change in the basin.

Author Biography

gody Jonathan Sanga, Sokoine University of Agriculture

Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness

Assistant lecturer


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How to Cite

Sanga, gody J., Hella, J. P., Mzirai, N., & Senga, H. (2014). Impacts of Climate Change on Maize and Beans Production and Compatibility of Adaptation Strategies in Pangani River Basin, Tanzania. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 17(2), 196–213. Retrieved from


