The Male Effect on Grasscutters (Thryonomys swinderianus, Temminck 1827) Farming Performance in C


  • D. Soro
  • B. Traore
  • A.J.L OKON
  • G.A. Mensah


Grasscutter breeding, the male effect, reproductive parameters.


The male effect on reproductive parameters was studied on 100 grasscutters, divided into two lots, over a period of two breeding years. On one side, females were living permanently with males. Females temporally lived with males, on other side. The results have shown that the mode of cohabitation influenced the fertility rates and the delay between two litters


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How to Cite

Soro, D., Traore, B., OKON, A., Mensah, G., & FANTODJI, A. (2014). The Male Effect on Grasscutters (Thryonomys swinderianus, Temminck 1827) Farming Performance in C. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 16(2), 105–110. Retrieved from


