Measurement Model Assessment of Intervention Strategies for Littering Behavior Changes using Partial Least Square: in Context of Malaysian Flat Residents


  • fatin syazwina abdul shukor University Technology Malaysia, Malaysia.
  • abdul hakim mohammed University Technology Malaysia


Measurement Model, Validity and Reliability, Exogenous variable, Endogenous variable, Manifest variable, Partial Least Square, Internal consistency reliability, Indicator reliability, Convergent validity and Discriminant validity.


This research was conducted for assessment of the measurement model by using Structural Equation Modeling Partial Least Square. In implementing the measurement model testing in this study, the variable exogenous and endogenous variables that intervention strategies are represented by the variables x and behavioral changes that are represented as variable y. Test validity and reliability is implemented through Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis using Smart PLS 2.0. A total of 1200 questionnaires were distributed and only 849 forms returned and used for this analysis. In this paper, findings and discussion will only describe the results of an analysis of the measurement model linking indicators (manifest variables) to construct. Assessment of the validity and reliability of the measurement model is assessed through four following analysis of internal consistency reliability, indicator reliability, convergent validity and discriminant validity. The end result of over four analysis found that the measurement model in this study is valid and can be used for further analysis of the formation of structural models.



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How to Cite

abdul shukor, fatin syazwina, & mohammed, abdul hakim. (2014). Measurement Model Assessment of Intervention Strategies for Littering Behavior Changes using Partial Least Square: in Context of Malaysian Flat Residents. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 16(1), 154–164. Retrieved from


