Procedural Database Normalization Level Validation for Electronic Certificate Issuance


  • Mohammad Hanif Farhad
  • Hafiz Mohd Sarim
  • Bahari Bin Idrus


database normalization levels, fields recognition and the replacement, database efficiency enhancement for normalization, validation procedure.


The Ministry of Communication and IT (MCIT) conducts computer training course in seven provinces of Afghanistan. These six months training courses taught computer packages for the employees of the Ministry and others sectors. At the end of this course, each participant receives a computer certificate called ECP (Electronic Certificate Printing). The current ECP issuance process faces severe problems due to the lack of procedures to validate database normalization levels in databases sent by training centers. Importation of data from non-verified database into the ECP Database has produced a mass of redundant data in an active system that cannot be redesigned from scratch. The primary consequence of this problem is that the officials in the administration office cannot find the relevant data about each student quickly, because the proper field and tables from the unverified database couldn


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How to Cite

Farhad, M. H., Sarim, H. M., & Idrus, B. B. (2014). Procedural Database Normalization Level Validation for Electronic Certificate Issuance. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 16(1), 251–260. Retrieved from


