A Study of Biological Potential and Sustainability of Swimming Crab Population in the Waters of Pangkep Regency South Sulawesi Province


  • ihsan ihsan Bogor Agricultural University
  • Eko Sri Wiyono Bogor Agricultural University
  • Sugeng Hari Wisudo Bogor Agricultural University
  • John Haluan Bogor Agricultural University


potential, sustainable, swimming crab, over exploitation, biology, population.


Swimming crab fishing is greatly potential in the waters of Pangkep Regency and spreads in the districts of the coastal waters and on the islands nearby. The objective of the study was to examine the biological potential and sustainability of swimming crab population in the waters of Pangkep Regency for use as information for the government to regulate the management of swimming crab resource sustainably. The methods used in the study were the measurements of length and weight as well as the collection of data on swimming crab production. The collected data, primary and secondary, were analyzed and described qualitatively and quantitatively with the approach of Surplus Production, where as the length and weight of swimming crab carapace were tabulated into a frequency distribution table using Microsoft Excel, and then analyzed using the ELEFAN program packaged in the software FISAT. The analysis of Equilibrium Schaefer resulted in the Effort of 696,679.48 trips and sustainable production of 1,084,066.54 kg/year, and the analysis with the Fox approach obtained a sustainable production of 1,084,066.54 kg and Effort of 696,679 trips, and swimming crabs are still available without disrupting sustainability. Swimming crab spawning season occurs throughout the year, but the peak season is between the months of May, June, July, August, September and October with the highest spawning season in August each year. It was found that the relationship between the carapace width and the male and female weights was negatively allometric.

The exploitation rate of females was >50%, predicted to be over exploitation and the value of recruitment pattern was 17:45%. The male exploitation rate was <50%, predicted to be under exploitation and the value of recruitment


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How to Cite

ihsan, ihsan, Wiyono, E. S., Wisudo, S. H., & Haluan, J. (2014). A Study of Biological Potential and Sustainability of Swimming Crab Population in the Waters of Pangkep Regency South Sulawesi Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 16(1), 351–363. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/2262


