Incremental Learning Approach for Enhancing the Performance of Multi-Layer Perceptron for Determining the Stock Trend


  • Basant Ali Sayed Ali
  • Abeer Badr El Din Ahmed
  • Alaa El Din Muhammad El Ghazali
  • Vishal Jain


Prediction, Multi-layer Perceptron, Grid search, classification accuracy.


This paper introduces a new technique for achieving minimum risk of predicting stock trend using multi-layer perceptron. The proposed technique presents the method of classification the stock trend .the paper show a comparison among multi-layer perceptron, gene learning theory. The achieved results show the superior performance of the multi-layer perceptron which is based on mathematical back ground.


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How to Cite

Ali, B. A. S., Ahmed, A. B. E. D., El Ghazali, A. E. D. M., & Jain, V. (2014). Incremental Learning Approach for Enhancing the Performance of Multi-Layer Perceptron for Determining the Stock Trend. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 16(1), 15–23. Retrieved from


