Ovarian Maturation in Asian Catfish (Clarias sp.) by Combination Oodev and Nutrition Addition Spirulina plantesis


  • Armen Nainggolan Bogor Agriculture University
  • Agus Oman Sudrajat Sudrajat
  • Nur Bambang Priyo Utmo Utomo
  • Enang Harris Harris


Catfish broodstock (Clarias sp), Spirulina platensis, Oodev, fatty acids.


This research aimed to accelerate maturation and increase the quantity and quality of catfish (Clarias sp.) eggs and larvae out of the spawning season (the dry season) through the combination between the supplementation using Spirulina platensis and the hormone Oodev. The dosage of the treatments were feed A1: Spirulina platensis 0% combined with Oodev 0 IU; Feed A2: Spirulina platensis 0% combined with Oodev 15 IU; Feed B1: Spirulina platensis 1% combined with Oodev 0 IU; Feed B2: Spirulina platensis 1% combined with Oodev 15 IU; Feed C1: Spirulina platensis 2% combined with Oodev 0 IU; Feed C2: Spirulina platensis 2% combined with Oodev 15 IU;


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How to Cite

Nainggolan, A., Sudrajat, A. O. S., Utomo, N. B. P. U., & Harris, E. H. (2014). Ovarian Maturation in Asian Catfish (Clarias sp.) by Combination Oodev and Nutrition Addition Spirulina plantesis. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 15(1), 564–583. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/2167


