Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Soil Borne Fungal Pathogens by Soil Solarization in Northern Region of Libya


  • Ali Mahmoud Zaid Azzytuna University
  • Waseim Esmael
  • Fawazi Bashie
  • Masaud Gajeam


Soil solarization, Plant parasitic nematodes, Soil borne fungal pathogens.


Soil Solarization is a new sustainable method that has been shown to be effective in the control of plant parasitic nematodes, soil borne fungal pathogens, and weeds. Organic agriculture could benefit most using such technique to reduce crop losses. The effect of soil solarization in The control of plant parasitic nematodes and soil borne fungal pathogens was studied in two uncovered plastic houses in two private farms by covering the soil with polyethlyne tarps 40um.thick for 30 and 45 days during summer season. Both houses were planted with cucumber ,tomatoes and pepper ,and both were

Author Biography

Ali Mahmoud Zaid, Azzytuna University

I am a teaching staff member at the biotechnology department


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How to Cite

Zaid, A. M., Esmael, W., Bashie, F., & Gajeam, M. (2014). Control of Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Soil Borne Fungal Pathogens by Soil Solarization in Northern Region of Libya. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 16(1), 303–310. Retrieved from


