Hypotension during General Anesthesia and Epidural Anesthesia Decreases Blood Lose and the Need for Blood Transfusion, in Radical Cystectomy.


  • Haxhire Gani UHC"Mother Teresa"
  • Rudin Domi UHC"Mother Teresa"
  • Pirro Prifti
  • Vjollca Beqiri UHC"Mother Teresa"
  • Aurel Janko UHC"Mother Teresa"
  • Bilbil Hoxha UHC"Mother Teresa"
  • Majlinda Naco UHC"Mother Teresa"


cystectomy, epidural anesthesia, blood pressure, heart rate.


Radical cystectomy procedure is seen to have large amount of blood lose and is noted that patient going through this procedure very often need blood transfusion. In our study, we discovered that induced hypotension while general and epidural anesthesia decreases the need for blood transfusion on the patients undergoing radical cystectomy procedure. Prospective, Randomized, single -blind trial.
Time period, from January2001-December 2012, 182 patients that were to have a radical cistectomy surgery. Pts(Patients) were divided in two groups, 90 patients in each group (two patients were excluded from the study because unable to perform epidural). But also are excluded from this study the

Author Biographies

Haxhire Gani, UHC"Mother Teresa"

Anaesthesi and intensive care

Rudin Domi, UHC"Mother Teresa"

Anaesthesi and intensive care

Vjollca Beqiri, UHC"Mother Teresa"

Anaesthesi and intensive care

Aurel Janko, UHC"Mother Teresa"

Anaesthesi and intensive care

Bilbil Hoxha, UHC"Mother Teresa"

Anaesthesi and intensive care

Majlinda Naco, UHC"Mother Teresa"

Anaesthesi and intensive care


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How to Cite

Gani, H., Domi, R., Prifti, P., Beqiri, V., Janko, A., Hoxha, B., & Naco, M. (2014). Hypotension during General Anesthesia and Epidural Anesthesia Decreases Blood Lose and the Need for Blood Transfusion, in Radical Cystectomy. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 15(1), 509–519. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/2136


