The Dynamics of Fishing Ground and Catches Diversity of Small-Scale Fisheries in Southern Java Waters, Indonesia


  • Sarwanto Catur Bogor agricultural University
  • Eko Sri Wiyono bogor agricultural university
  • Tri Wiji Nurani bogor agricultural university
  • John Haluan Bogor agricultural university


diversity, shannon index, fishing season, Gunungkidul.


Study on the diversity of fish catches and fishing seasons is extremely essential for fishermen in order to engage in more efficient fishing operations; however, researches in this area are still limited. The purpose of this study was to determine the diversity of fish catches and to assess the dynamics of changes of the fishing grounds. The study was conducted in Southern Java waters in Gunungkidul Regency from September 2012 to January 2013. The diversity of the fish catches was analyzed using the Shannon-Wiener index, while the fishing season patterns were analyzed using a moving average. The result of shannon-wiener index has shown that most of the waters of Gunungkidul Regency is at a low level of diversity (less than 2) except for the fishing ground of the waters of Ngandong (2.085). In general, pattern of fishing season is differentiated in four categorized by location. Little tuna and eagle rays fishing seasons are occurred in all Gunungkidul coastal. Octopuses fishing season is found in Drini, Ngandong, Siung, Nampu and Sadeng, while sharks, hair tails, pomflert, and giant catfish fishing seasons are occurred in several locations. Particularly, tuna and skipjack fishing seasons are in Sadeng

Author Biography

Sarwanto Catur, Bogor agricultural University

system and modelling for capture fisheries


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How to Cite

Catur, S., Wiyono, E. S., Nurani, T. W., & Haluan, J. (2014). The Dynamics of Fishing Ground and Catches Diversity of Small-Scale Fisheries in Southern Java Waters, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 15(1), 325–335. Retrieved from


