Selected Factors Affecting Adoption of Improved Finger Millet Varieties by Small- Scale Farmers in the Semi-Arid Mogotio District, Kenya


  • Grace W. Gitu
  • Christopher A. Onyango
  • James A. Obara


Adoption, Agricultural information, Finger Millet, Household Head, Mogotio, Semi-Arid Areas, Small-Scale Farmers, Social Cultural, Variety Technical Attributes.


Finger millet is one of the important traditional, nutritious and drought tolerant food crop grown by small scale farmers in most arid and semi-arid lands (ASALs) of the world. In the ASALs of Kenya, the small scale farmers mainly grow unimproved finger millet varieties of low yields. Despite availability of improved high yielding and recommended varieties, the farmers

Author Biography

Grace W. Gitu


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How to Cite

Gitu, G. W., Onyango, C. A., & Obara, J. A. (2014). Selected Factors Affecting Adoption of Improved Finger Millet Varieties by Small- Scale Farmers in the Semi-Arid Mogotio District, Kenya. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 13(1), 448–465. Retrieved from


