Liaison of Terrorism and Poverty: Issues, Challenges and Policy Implications


  • Sarfraz Hussain Ansari National Defence University Islamabad-Pakistan
  • Anser Mahmood Chughtai National Defence University Islamabad-Pakistan
  • Nadia Asghar National Defence University Islamabad-Pakistan


Terrorism, Poverty, Income, FATA-Pakistan


Poverty is the condition of unavailability of basic human needs like cloth, shelter, food and clean drinking water etc. There is no universal definition of poverty. Every country/nation has developed its own definition of poverty. Similarly, the causes of poverty also vary from nation to nation and region to region within the globe. The paper has an objective to find out the relationship between terrorism and poverty in Federally Administrated Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan. Study also digs out the root causes of poverty in these areas. It also analyzes the policies of government to reduce poverty in tribal areas. Why some policies failed and did not bring the fruitful results? What are the ground realties and what should be done more to uplift the living standard of the people living in FATA. At the end some policy implications are also given.

Author Biographies

Sarfraz Hussain Ansari, National Defence University Islamabad-Pakistan

Assistant Professor

Anser Mahmood Chughtai, National Defence University Islamabad-Pakistan

PhD Scholor

Nadia Asghar, National Defence University Islamabad-Pakistan

PhD Scholor


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How to Cite

Ansari, S. H., Chughtai, A. M., & Asghar, N. (2014). Liaison of Terrorism and Poverty: Issues, Challenges and Policy Implications. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 17(1), 372–380. Retrieved from


