Risk Factors for HIV/AIDS Incidence at the Imbi Health Center Jayapura City


  • Johanes Raja Pikir Siregar Master of Public Health Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University of Jayapura, Jl. Raya Sentani Abepura Jayapura Papua 9351
  • Hasmi Department of Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Uncen Jayapura
  • Novita Medyati Department of Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Uncen Jayapura
  • Sarce Makaba Department of Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Uncen Jayapura
  • Semuel Piter Irab Department of Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Uncen Jayapura
  • Yacob Ruru Department of Master of Public Health Program, Faculty of Public Health, Uncen Jayapura


HIV/AIDS Risk Factors, Health Center


HIV/AIDS cases globally and in Indonesia from year to year increase due to individual characteristics including risk factors influenced by age, gender, education, occupation, ethnicity, partner status, number of sexual partners, and injecting drug use. The purpose of the study was to determine the Risk Factors for HIV/AIDS Incidence at the Imbi Health Center, Jayapura City. The type of case-control research on the respondent population that conducts HIV screening with a sample number of 1 : 3 or 100 samples, namely 25 HIV/AIDS case samples and 75 control samples was carried out from June 1 to 15, 2024 at the Imbi Health Center. Data were obtained using questionnaires and medical record data and analyzed using chi-square, fisher exact, and logistical binary regression.The results of the study obtained that the risk and significant factor with the incidence of HIV/AIDS at the Imbi Health Center in Jayapura City was age (p-value 0.027;  OR = 3,431; CI95% (1,233 – 9,547), education (p-value 0.001: OR = 6,476; CI95% (2,121 – 19,770), occupation (p-value 0.001; OR =5,118; CI95% (1,949-13,441), tribe (p-value 0.049; OR =2,939; CI95% (1,099-7,861), while the factor that is not at risk and not significant with the incidence of HIV/AIDS at the Imbi Health Center in Jayapura City is gender (p-value 0.298: OR = 1,826; CI95% (0.718 – 4.645) and the most dominant factor is age with a p-value of 0.004 and OR 7.0 CI 95% (1.88-26.1).


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How to Cite

Johanes Raja Pikir Siregar, Hasmi, Novita Medyati, Sarce Makaba, Semuel Piter Irab, & Yacob Ruru. (2024). Risk Factors for HIV/AIDS Incidence at the Imbi Health Center Jayapura City. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 73(1), 338–350. Retrieved from https://gssrr.org/index.php/JournalOfBasicAndApplied/article/view/16914


