Farmer’s Participation to Increase the Dynamics of Lowland Rice Farmer Group in Maluku Province, Indonesia


  • Meilvis E. Tahitu Social and Economics Department of Agricultural Faculty, Pattimura University ,Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Kampus Unpatti, Ambon – 97233, Indonesia
  • Inta P. N. Damanik Social and Economics Department of Agricultural Faculty, Pattimura University ,Jl. Ir. M. Putuhena, Kampus Unpatti, Ambon – 97233, Indonesia


Participation, farmer group, group dynamics, lowland rice


This research aims to analyze farmer participation in improving the dynamics of farmer groups, especially lowland rice farmer groups in Maluku.   This is considered important because there are still many farmer groups in Maluku that are not dynamic or tend to stagnate, for that it difficult to develop farmers. Waimital Village was chosen because it is the main center for lowland rice production in Maluku and all farmers are members of farmer groups.   The research respondents were determined to be five people representing each group consisting of the group leader and four members.  Thus, the number of respondents was 95 farmers as member group representing 19 existing farmer groups. Primary and secondary data were collected to form the basis of qualitative descriptive analysis.   The research results showed that the dynamics of farmer groups in Waimital Village were in the good category dominantly. Based on the elements of group dynamics, it can be seen that the elements of group goals were in the very good category; elements of group structure, task function, group development and maintenance, group cohesiveness and group atmosphere were in the good category;   and the elements of group pressure and group effectiveness were still in the medium category.   Farmers assess that farmer groups have functioned good, it was proven that 81.7% of farmers feel that farmer group has functioned well as a vehicle for learning and 90.2% feel that farmer group was a good vehicle for cooperation.Farmer participation was in the medium to high category, which means it can still be increase. To increase the participation of group members, support for facilities and infrastructures is needed from all relevant agencies and assistance for farmer groups in implementing group plans.   Increasing the participation of group members will increase the dynamics of farmer groups which will then increase the productivity of farmer groups.


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How to Cite

Meilvis E. Tahitu, & Inta P. N. Damanik. (2024). Farmer’s Participation to Increase the Dynamics of Lowland Rice Farmer Group in Maluku Province, Indonesia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 73(1), 181–188. Retrieved from


