A Retrospective Analysis of Award-Winning School Leaders: Unpacking Success Factors through the Lens of the Metrobank Foundation’s Outstanding Filipino Award Recipient
educational leadership, master teacher leaders, professional development, empathy, adaptability, innovation in education, collaborative learning, continuous improvementAbstract
This study explores the distinctive attributes, strategies, and professional development practices of award-winning master teacher leaders who have been recognized by the Metrobank Foundation's Outstanding Filipino Award. Employing a qualitative, narrative research design, the study investigates the personal journeys, motivational factors, and leadership qualities that contribute to their success. Key findings reveal that empathy, adaptability, humility, dedication, and a commitment to continuous improvement are essential qualities for effective educational leadership. The study underscores the importance of integrating innovative teaching and learning strategies, fostering collaborative and supportive school environments, and prioritizing continuous professional development for educators. By examining how these leaders navigate challenges and leverage contextual factors to enhance their effectiveness, the research provides actionable insights for developing and supporting future educational leaders. The implications of this study are significant for informing policy and practice, enhancing leadership training programs, and ultimately improving educational outcomes for students and teachers alike.
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