Exploring Academic Operations: A Focus on the Implementation of Class Record Optimization and Automation System (CROAS)
Class Record Optimization and Automation System, Educational Technology, Administrative Efficiency, Teacher Workload, Academic OperationsAbstract
This research analyzes the impact of the Class Record Optimization and Automation System (C.R.O.A.S.) on administrative efficiency and educational delivery at the Laboratory Science High School of Romblon State University. The present study applied a mixed-methods approach, using quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews with teachers and administrators to determine how C.R.O.A.S. affects teachers' workloads, time allocation, class record management, and overall educational processes. Moreover, the study investigated the role of leadership strategies in successfully implementing C.R.O.A.S. The results imply that inclusive decision-making and strategic planning are critical strategies for the system's effectiveness. Recommendations for future practice include ongoing support for system improvements, continued research, and international sharing and benchmarking findings to broaden educational technology integration efforts.
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