Making Supervision Effective: Collaboration of the Ghana Education Service and the Cape Coast Metropolitan Basic Schools Heads Association


  • Dr. Judith Bampo University of Education, Winneba, Ghana


Supervision, collaboration, Ghana Education Service, Cape Coast Metropolitan Basic Schools Heads Association, School Improvement Support Officers (SISOs)


The study investigated Making Supervision Effective: Collaboration of the Ghana Education and Cape Coast Metropolitan Basic Schools Heads Association. The questions addressed issues on supervisory practices of headteachers, perceptions of respondents about the instructional leadership role of the headteacher and factors hindering effective supervision in public basic schools. The descriptive survey design was employed combining qualitative and quantitative data sources. The sample for the study was made up of 60 respondents including teachers, headteachers and SISOs. Questionnaire and interview schedule were utilized in the data collection. The data were analysed in frequency counts and percentage. Data were presented in tables and verbatim quotation of respondents. The conclusions drawn from the findings indicated that instructional supervision experienced problems such as low motivation of school heads by the government, negative attitude of teachers towards supervision as well as poor communication between teachers and the school heads. These challenges mentioned above, had an adverse impact on the supervision of instructions in schools. This study has identified that instructional supervision in basic schools is not conducted properly. In this study, teachers indicated that instructional supervision was a fault- finding mission and punitive in nature. This resulted in teachers having negative attitudes towards instructional supervision. However, a greater proportion of respondents acknowledged that instructional supervision is a good initiative that could improve performance by schools if conducted properly.


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How to Cite

Dr. Judith Bampo. (2024). Making Supervision Effective: Collaboration of the Ghana Education Service and the Cape Coast Metropolitan Basic Schools Heads Association. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 72(1), 322–356. Retrieved from


