Vegetative Growth Response of Tobacco Plant Local Varieties of Payakumbuh the Age Moving to the Field
Local variety, transplant age, tobacco plantsAbstract
Tobacco are an elite good. The individual consumer selection determines the quality standards. The cultivation elements around plants have a significant impact on the success of tobacco production, in addition to the potential of the plants themselves. One of the less expensive criteria for attaining the objective of improving productivity and quality is the adoption of superior varieties. Using seedlings of unknown age when transferring plants to fields is one of the issues with tobacco farming in the West Sumatra Province's fifty-city district. The purpose of this study is to determine the appropriate transplant age for tobacco plants of regional types found in the districts of fifty cities. This study used a random group scheme with a single factor different ages at which local tobacco crops were transplanted. At the 5% level, the ratio analysis (test F) was used to analyse the data. At level 5%, the findings of the real ratio test were followed up with the Minimum Real Difference test.The following metrics were noted: plant height (cm), leaf width (cm), leaf length (cm), upper wet leaves wet weight (g), lower dry leaves dry weight (gram), middle dry weight (gram), and upper dry weight(gram). Observations When comparing the parameters of crop height, leaf length, leaf width, fresh leaf weight, and dried leaf of a tobacco plant, the usage of 45 days post-sowing seedage age had the greatest influence, as opposed to 30 days old seeds(DOS), 35 DOS, 40 DOS, 55 DOS, and 60 DOS.
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