Bell's Palsy Patient's Experience in Undergoing Acupuncture at Regional Public Service Agency Acupuncture Polyclinic Abepura Hospital Papua Province


  • Nur Lily Achmadi Postgraduate Master program of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, Cenderawasih University of Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia, 99351
  • Hasmi Faculty Of Public Health, Cenderawasih University , Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
  • Sarce Makaba Faculty Of Public Health, Cenderawasih University , Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
  • Marthapina Anggai Faculty Of Public Health, Cenderawasih University , Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
  • Novita Medyati Faculty Of Public Health, Cenderawasih University , Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia
  • Yacob Ruru Faculty Of Public Health, Cenderawasih University , Jayapura, Papua, Indonesia


Experience, Acupuncture Therapy, Bell's Palsy Patient


Acupuncture is one of the alternative complementary treatments for the community in handling diseases including Bell's Palsy. Acupuncture therapy services at Abepura Hospital are one of the hospitals that serve acupuncture. The purpose of the study was to determine the experience of Bell's Palsy patients in undergoing acupuncture at the Acupuncture Polyclinic, Abepura Hospital, Papua Province. This type of qualitative research with 5 informants. Data was obtained using in-depth interviews. The data is analyzed qualitatively. The experience was obtained based on the diagnosis, initially, the informant did not know Bell's Palsy disease and after conducting an examination, and directed by a neurologist for acupuncture therapy. The experience of physical changes is that initially the informant experiences symptoms such as stiffness, facial tilt, and soreness in the facial area, and after acupuncture, the informant feels healed. Psychologically, informants are grateful because there are changes, namely healing, calmer, and relaxed.   Severe and moderate side effects are not felt by informants, only mild side effects such as pain and bruises disappear on their own.


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How to Cite

Nur Lily Achmadi, Hasmi, Sarce Makaba, Marthapina Anggai, Novita Medyati, & Yacob Ruru. (2024). Bell’s Palsy Patient’s Experience in Undergoing Acupuncture at Regional Public Service Agency Acupuncture Polyclinic Abepura Hospital Papua Province. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 72(1), 202–212. Retrieved from


