Performance Enhancement Using NOMA-MIMO for 5G Networks


  • Shuaib Ibrahim Adam Dept. Telecommunication and Information Engineering,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications


Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), spectrum efficiency (SE), Bit Error Rate (BER), Outage Probability (OP)


The integration of MIMO and NOMA technologies addresses key challenges in 5G and beyond, such as connectivity, latency, and dependability. However, resolving these issues, especially in MIMO-enabled 5G networks, required additional research. This involved optimizing parameters like bit error rate, downlink spectrum efficiency, average capacity rate, and uplink transmission outage probability. The model employed Quadrature Phase Shift Keying modulation on selected frequency channels, accommodating diverse user characteristics. Evaluation showed that MIMO-NOMA significantly improved bit error rate and transmitting power for the best user in download transmission. For uplink transmission, there was an increase in the average capacity rate and a decrease in outage probability for the best user. Closed-form formulas for various parameters in both downlink and uplink NOMA, with and without MIMO, were derived. Overall, adopting MIMO-NOMA led to a remarkable performance improvement for all users, even in challenging conditions like interference or fading channels.


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How to Cite

Shuaib Ibrahim Adam. (2023). Performance Enhancement Using NOMA-MIMO for 5G Networks. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 72(1), 1–42. Retrieved from


