Local Knowledge Based Ecosystem Management (Igya Ser Hanjop and Igya Hon Hanjop) In the Hatam Tribe in West Papua Indonesia
Arfak Mountains, Hatam, sustainable managementAbstract
Local wisdom in protecting and managing the surrounding environment is an important component that must be prioritized when managing the environment and its resources. The Hatam tribe has lived for generations and managed the surrounding environmental resources well until now. This research aims to reveal environmental management strategies based on local knowledge of the Hatam tribe. The research was carried out in the Arfak Mountains area where the Hatam tribe lives. The research results show that the traditional knowledge-based management strategies that still exist are in the form of Igya ser hanjop and Igya hon hanjop, although in practice they are very rarely found. To overcome the loss of traditional knowledge practices which are increasingly rare, cooperation between the government, community, NGOs and universities as well as competent research institutions is needed so that local wisdom can be maintained and used as the basis for sustainable management in the Arfak Mountains.
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