Correlations of Characteristics, Knowledge, and Attitude with the Use of Registered Herbal Medicine by People in East Lombok


  • Hurip Pratomo Study Program of Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology. Universitas Terbuka


Registered herbal medicine, East Lombok


It has been conducted a number of studies on the use of herbal medicine (traditional medicine) in some areas based on the Basic Research for Health in Indonesia, however, there are a number of areas without any studies on the use of packaged herbal medicine, among other is East Lombok. This research aims to: 1). Describe the characteristics of people using the herbal medicine; 2). Describe the knowledge of the people on the herbal medicine; 3). Describe the attitude of the people on the herbal medicine; 4). Describe the use of packaged herbal medicine in the society; 5). Describe the correlations of characteristic and the use of packaged herbal medicine; 6). Describe the correlations of knowledge, attitude, and the use of packaged herbal medicine. The research conclusions are: 1). There is more than of 95% of the respondents having knowledge on herbal medicine but there is still people having lack information on the packaged herbal medicine which must include the expiry date, 2) The biggest percentage of the respondents’ attitude agree to the statement that there is little side effect of the herbal medicine than the medicine and the use of herbal medicine is safer than medicine, 3) the respondents using packaged herbal medicine is 31.2% than the use of herbal medicine in general. The biggest percentage of the respondents using packaged herbal medicine is in the form of powder (43.3%) by boiling the traditional medicine in advance (56.3%), 4) The biggest percentage of the packaged herbal medicine users is in the range of pre-elderly age, men, married, having advanced education (more than senior high school level), having occupation and living in the district areas, 6) There is no correlation of the age, gender, marital status, education, occupation, location of residence ial and the use of packaged herbal medicine, 6) There is no meaningfull correlation of knowledge and the use of packaged herbal medicine, also there is no meaningfull correlation of attitude and the use of packaged herbal medicine.


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How to Cite

Pratomo, H. (2023). Correlations of Characteristics, Knowledge, and Attitude with the Use of Registered Herbal Medicine by People in East Lombok. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 71(1), 37–51. Retrieved from


