General Overview of the Problem of Animal Production in the Democratic Republic of Congo


  • Musalizi Muharabu Roger-Lafleur Searchers at the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management, University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Mukandama Ndolandola Jean-Pierre Searchers at the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management, University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Kitambo Bondele Rebecca Searchers at the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Management, University of Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Muliri Big. Lucien Searcher at the Faculty of Administration and management, Shalom University of Bunia, Democratic Republic of Congo


Issue, production, animal


In a world pulverized by the ever-growing population, animal production, on the other hand, displays a behavior of inequality. This study based on documentation has set itself the objective of listing some factors that handicap animal production in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

To this end, it was observed in this study that the low salary of central administration staff, the lack of interdependence between agriculture and livestock, the problem of evacuation of agricultural products, lack of science in animal production, slow and costly research on animals, etc. are the main factors blocking animal production in the Democratic Republic of Congo.


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How to Cite

Roger-Lafleur, M. M., Mukandama Ndolandola Jean-Pierre, Kitambo Bondele Rebecca, & Muliri Big. Lucien. (2023). General Overview of the Problem of Animal Production in the Democratic Republic of Congo. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 69(1), 196–204. Retrieved from


